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Vendor Analysis gepubliceerd door Spend Matters

De analisten van Spend Matters hebben ons Business Spend Management platform onder de loep genomen. Ze duiken diep in onze Source-to-Pay oplossingen en geven een overzicht van wat je van ons BSM platform kunt verwachten.

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"De analisten van Spend Matters hebben ons Business Spend Management platform opgepikt; een kers op de taart voor het harde werk."

- Roy de Brouwer, Director Marketing & Sales | ISPnext

"In this Spend Matters PRO Vendor Analysis, we give an overview of ISPnext, an S2P solution that automates invoice processing, improves supplier relations and reduces risks for an entire organization in one single platform.

ISPnext focuses on its local market, the Netherlands. Most of its customers are mid or mid+ organizations that have their HQ in Benelux, an economic and customs union comprised of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. However, it plans to extend its presence further into the EU and the UK with the aim of becoming a leading European player.

This Vendor Analysis provides an overview of ISPnext, a look at the competitive landscape, selection tips and an analyst summary.

Here’s why ISPnext matters:

  • To the market — ISPnext is a regional player with a unified and configurable S2P suite covering the main blocks required by mid-size organizations.
  • To customers — ISPnext’s customers benefit from a streamlined solution that covers their S2P foundational requirements and from a proximity that allows for a close collaboration with the provider.
  • To potential buyers — ISPnext offers a configurable solution that lacks some bells and whistles but may still appeal to organizations looking to cover foundational requirements — and, of course, looking for a solution made in Europe."

Bron: https://spendmatters.com/2022/11/14/ispnext-vendor-analysis/

Why ISPnext matters? Lees de uitgebreide analyse.* 

*  Log in met een Spend Matters Pro account voor alle details.

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